Why is space black?
On earth, we have the sun close to our planet and it gives us an excellent level of light so that we can see everything around us in wonderful colors.
Why can’t we launch garbage into space?
Humans produce huge amounts of garbage every day, in every country, all around the world.
Why do stars shine?
We can look out into the night sky and see billions of stars shining brightly.
Why is the sun hot?
Our sun is the main reason that we have life on our planet.
Why is the sunset red?
The light that we see looks white, but if you look through a prism you will see that light is actually divided up into many colors.
How Fast Does the Earth Rotate?
The Earth is the third planet from the sun, and is a rocky planet with a solid body.
Why are planets round?
Scientists have observed that all solar systems start out pretty much the same.
Why do some scientists consider Pluto to not be a planet?
Pluto was discovered around 1930 and, during that time, the telescopes were not as good as they are now and they thought that Pluto was the only planet out in the vast outer area of our solar system.
Why are there seasons?
Every area of the earth experiences the four seasons. Depending upon where you live, the seasons can be different.
Why the sky is blue
We can look up at the sky and see the blue color.